I've been through alot this past year. My faith, health, wealth and happiness has been tested on numerous occasions, from the death of my best friend to me catching a rare form of strep throat that kills 1 in 3 people, to being in the hospital after totalling my car in an accident with an uninsured driver (not to mention the court and lawyer cost associated with that). But one thing that is certain is- God never left my side. I believe everything happens for a reason and there are no coincidences, and though Im not sure why certain things have happened to me, I know they are for a purpose. Maybe I was comatose for a week so doctors could learn the sympotoms of this rare virus and how to treat it. God knew I was strong and could handle the pain and 110+ degree fever so hot my skin was peeling. Maybe I had this car accident to prevent the driver from speeding through another light and this time killing somebody. Or maybe my car was about to go out on me and God just made this happen so I would get money for a new car. Maybe I shouldn't have dread going to court becuase I shouldn't have been at work that day- anything can happen, but it wont happen to me.
In one of my previous blogs, I talked about finding myself at the edge of a cliff debating if I should jump and pray I develop wings on the way down, or run back to firm, but uncertain grounds. After all I have been through in 2010, I'm thankful it didn't follow me in to 2011. I think God is my wings and the Holy Spirit is the air beneath them so I can rise. As weird as it sounds, all this could have been worse. I could be dead, without a car, in debt....but Im not. Now, everytime I think I just can't take it anymore, and my life isn't worth living and its just too much to bare, I feel a little breeze, and that reminds me that God is always there and with God by my side, no matter what may bring me down, I will always rise.